
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Cassette Single: The Art of Taking a Break with Carl Simmons

New Bedford, MA multi-disciplinary artist Carl Simmons joins me for a discussion on creative breaks, not just blocks. An art residency doing nothing, if you will, if ever that was a thing. We also talk about using instagram and facebook as a venue and medium for visual art formats. How do these platforms differ for painting and video work etc. 

Carl and I share a few laughs, and some serious accounts on working as an artist using one of the near only venues for showing work during a pandemic without making the episode a total downer. Besides, how could an art chat where Star Wars comes up multiple times be anything less than a galactic experience? Listen below for more... 

Drawings by Carl Simmons



Find Carl Simmons on instagram for more of his drawings as well as video and photo work: carlcarlsimmons


Carl Simmons on Vimeo


Mentioned in the conversation:

Poetry Super Highway 

Co+ Creative Center New Bedford

 Andy Anello

 Tracy Silva Barbosa

 Kate Frazer Rego

Jamie Uretsky, Curator New Bedford Art Museum/ArtWorks!

Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

Ed Wood

Steven Spielberg

matt pond PA

 Dr. Dog

 Joanna Newsom



Big thanks to Carl Simmons for being a part of The Mixed-Media Tapes conversation!


And thank you for listening!





the mixed-media tapes. 2021